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Dr. Patronella's Plastic Surgery Prices

Houston, TX

Dr. Patronella’s comprehensive and inclusive Plastic Surgery Prices will give those considering a surgical procedure reasonable predictability of fees before the consultation.

Please contact us if you have any questions, or ready to schedule your consultation at our Houston, Texas Plastic Surgery Facility.

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Facial Surgery Cost for Men & Women

Facial Rejuvenation Surgery Cost

Standard Fee Reduced Fee (for combined procedures)
Facelift / Neck Lift $20,000 – $25,000
Mini Facelift $7,800 – $12,800 (in-office)
Fat Reduction of Neck $7,800 $6,400
Upper Blepharoplasty (Upper eyelid tuck) $7,800 $6,400
Lower Blepharoplasty (Lower eyelid tuck) $7,800 $6,400
Endoscopic Brow Lift $8,800 $7,400
Facial Fat Grafting $6,800 $5,400
Fraxel Laser Treatment (under general anesthesia Starts at $5,800 – $7,800
Chin Augmentation with Implant $8,800 $7,400
Sciton Laser (Face) Starts at $6,800

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Cost

Tip Only $7,800 – $9,800 $6,400 – $7,400
Bridge Only $8,800 – $10,800 $7,400 – $9,400
Tip & Bridge $12,800 – $15,800 $11,400 – $14,400
Septoplasty Add $5,800
Nostril Reduction Add $5,800

Otoplasty (Ear Pinback Procedure) Cost

1 Ear $8,800 – $9,800 $7,400 – $8,400
2 Ears $10,800 – $14,800 $9,400 – $13,400

Buccal Fat Removal Cost

Cheek Fat Pad $8,800

$4,800 (when performed in-office)


Earlobe Reduction Cost

(or repair for tear under local anesthesia with re-piercing at 4-6 weeks)

1 Ear $1,200
2 Ears $1,800

Body Contouring Surgery Cost

True Form Tummy Tuck® Cost

Standard Fee Reduced Fee (for combined procedures)
Standard Procedure $15,800 – $19,800 $14,400 – $18,400
Liposuction—1st area treated Add $6,800 Add $5,400
Each additional area Add $1,500
Area options are: Flanks (Waist)/Hips, Back/Bra line, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs, Anterior (front) Thighs, Knees, Arms, Axilla / Lateral Chest, Neck
*For Fat Grafting to Buttocks
(Brazilian Butt Lift), Outer Thigh or other area
$4,800 + Liposuction fee (Price varies depending on the liposuction areas.)
For Buttock/Hip/Outer Thigh Lift $14,800 – $18,800 Add $13,400 – $17,400
Mini Tummy Tuck $9,800 – 11,800
Reverse Tummy Tuck $14,800 – $18,800 $13,400 – $17,400

Liposuction Cost

First area under general anesthesia $6,800 $5,400
Each additional area Add $1,500
Area options are: Upper Abdomen, Lower Abdomen, Flanks/Hips, Back/Bra line, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs, Anterior (front) Thighs, Knees, Arms, Axilla / Lateral Chest,Neck

Common Procedure Combination Cost

True Form Tummy Tuck® $15,800 – $19,800
Liposuction Hips/Flank (1st area) $5,400
Liposuction Outer Thighs (2nd area) $1,500
Brazilian Butt Lift (Fat Grafting to Buttocks) $4,800
Buttock/Hip/Outer Thigh Lift $13,400 – $17,400
Total cost of procedure $40,900 – $48,900

Medial Inner Thigh Lift Cost

Standard Procedure $15,800 – $18,800 $14,400 – $17,400
For Liposuction thighs and knees $8,800 Add $7,400

Spiral Thigh Lift Cost

Lift of inner thighs, outer thighs, hips,
and flanks
$19,800 – $24,800 $18,400 – $23,400
With Liposuction of inner thighs, outer thighs, hips, anterior (front) thighs, flanks $9,800 Add $8,400

Buttock / Hip / Outer Thigh Lift (Lower Body Lift) Cost

Standard Procedure 14,800 – $18,800 $13,400 – $17,400
Liposuction – first area $6,800 Add $5,400
Liposuction – each additional area Add $1,500
Area options are: Lateral Chest/Axilla, Abdomen, Flanks/Hips, Outer Thighs, Inner Thighs, Anterior (front) Thighs, Knees, Arms, Neck
For Brazilian Butt Lift (fat grafting to buttocks) $4,800 + Liposuction fee (Price varies depending on the liposuction areas.)

Extended Abdominoplasty in Major Weight Loss Patient Cost

Standard Procedure $16,800 – $20,800  $15,400 – $19,400
Liposuction First Area: $6,800 Add $5,400
Each Additional Area: Add $1,500
Area options are: Upper Abdomen, Lower Abdomen, Flanks/Hips, Back/Braline, Outer Thighs, Inner Thighs, Anterior (front) Thighs, Knees, Arms, Lateral Chest/Axilla, Neck
For Brazilian Butt Lift (fat grafting to buttocks) $4,800 + Liposuction fee (Price varies depending on the liposuction areas.)
For buttock/hip/outer thigh lift $14,800 – $18,800  Add $13,400 – $17,400

Upper Body Lift Cost

Bilateral brachioplasty (Arm lift) with limited axillary short incision & liposuction of arms $8,800 – $10,800 $7,400 – $9,400
Bilateral Brachioplasty (Arm lift) with full arm incision & liposuction of arms $12,800 – $14,800 $11,400 – $13,400
Bilateral Brachioplasty (Arm lift) with full arm incision, without liposuction of arms $9,800 – $12,800 $8,400 – $11,400
Braline Lift (or Torsoplasty)- without liposuction $9,800 – $12,800 $8,400 – $11,400
Braline Lift (or Torsoplasty)- with liposuction ( 1 – 2 areas) $15,800 – $18,800 $14,400 – $17,400


Breast Surgery Cost For Women

Breast Augmentation Cost

Standard Fee Reduced Fee (for combined procedures)
Silicone Implants – Allergan Inspira Responsive Round $7,800 – $8,800 $6,400 – $7,400
Saline Implants – Allergan Round $6,800 – $7,800 $5,400 – $6,400

Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift Cost

Saline Implants – Allergan Round $14,800 – $17,800 $13,400 – $16,400
Silicone Implants $15,800 – $18,800 $14,400 – $17,400

Breast Lift without Implants Cost

B – C cup $12,800 – $14,800 $11,400 – $13,400
D cup $13,800 – $15,800 $12,400 – $14,400

Breast Reduction with Lift Cost

For DD or E cup $14,800 – $16,800 $13,400 – $15,400
For DDD or F cup $16,800 – $18,800 $15,400 – $17,400
G cup or more up $18,800 – $21,800 $17,400 – $20,400
With liposuction of axilla/outer breast $3,800 Add $2,400
With liposuction of back/braline $6,800 Add $5,400
Axillary Breast Tissue & Skin Excision – bilateral / Lateral chest $7,800 Add $6,400

Common Procedure Combinations Cost

True Form Tummy Tuck® $15,800 – $19,800
Liposuction hips/flanks $5,400
Liposuction outer thighs $1,500
Combined Breast Augmentation and Lift with Silicone Implants $15,800 – $18,800
Total cost of price $37,100 – $44,100

Corrective Revision Breast Implant Surgery Cost

Internal Capsule (Implant pocket) repair
Medial (implant is too far inward, “synmastia”)
Lateral (implant falls too far outward under arm, “lateral displacement”)
Inferior breast fold (implant is too low, “bottom out”)

One Breast without Galaflex / Strattice® $7,800 – $8,800 $6,400 – $7,400
Two Breasts without Galaflex / Strattice® $10,800 – $12,800 $9,400 – $11,400
One Breast with Galaflex / Strattice® $10,800 – $12,800 $9,400 – $11,400
Two Breasts with Galaflex / Strattice® $12,800 – $14,800 $11,400 – $13,400
Final cost determined by size & cost of Galaflex / Strattice® or other support product required (see chart)

For Implant Replacement

Saline (2) – Allergan Round  Add $1,000
Silicone (2) – Allergan Inspira Responsive Round  Add $2,000

Common Procedure Combinations Cost

Bilateral (2) breasts inframammary fold (inferior capsule) Repair

With large Galaflex $12,800 – $14,880
With (2) Silicone implant replacements $2,000
Total cost of procedure $14,800 – $16,800

For Implant Removal

Breast Implant Removal (Fee is dependent on complexity, time requirement, and whether the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia in the office.) Starts at $4,000 – $15,000

Capsulectomy – Treatment of Capsular Contracture Cost

Removal and/or release of scar capsule around implants to improve softness and position of implants)

One Breast $7,800 – $9,800 $6,400 – $8,400
Two Breasts $9,800 – $12,800 $8,400 – $11,400
Saline (2) – Round  Add $1,000
Silicone (2) – Responsive Round  Add $2,000

Common Procedure Combinations Cost

Revision of previous breast augmentation to include:

One breast inframammary fold repair with small Galaflex $10,800 – $12,800
Opposite breast scar capsule release for contracture Add $6,400 – $8,400
With implant replacement for both with silicone gel (2) – Responsive Round Add $2,000
Total cost of procedure $19,200 – $21,200

Body Contouring Surgery Cost for Men

Standard Fee Reduced Fee (for combined procedures)
Liposuction (1st area) $6,800 $5,400
Each additional area Add $1,500 for each area
Abdominal sculpting for muscular definition Add $3,000
Area options are: Upper Abdomen, Lower Abdomen, Flanks/Hips, Back/Bra line, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs, Anterior (front) Thighs, Knees, Arms, Neck

Gynecomastia Treatment Cost (Male Breast Development)

Includes liposuction of breasts and direct incisional removal of breast tissue

One Breast $7,800 $6,400
Two Breasts $10,800 – $12,800 $9,400 – $11,400
For areolar reduction procedure
One Breast Add $2,800
Two Breasts Add $3,800
For skin excision and free nipple graft – 2 breasts or Vertical Breast Lift Reduction $13,800 – $16,800 $12,400 – $15,400

Common Procedure Combination Cost For Men

Treatment Gynecomastia bilateral (2) breasts with liposuction and direct removal of breast tissue $10,800 – $12,800
Liposuction abdomen (2nd area) Add $1,500
Liposuction flanks (3rd area) Add $1,500
Abdominal sculpting for muscular definition Add $3,000
Total Cost of Procedure $16,800 – $18,800

True Form Tummy Tuck® Cost

Standard Procedure $15,800 – $19,800 $14,400 – $18,400
For Liposuction done during the same operation
–   First area treated $6,800 Add $5,400
–   Each additional area Add $1,500 for each area
Area options are: Flanks (waist)/Hips, Back/Braline, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs, Anterior (front) Thighs, Knees, Arms, Neck
For fat grafting buttocks, outer thigh or other area $4,800 + Liposuction fee (Price varies depending on the liposuction areas.)
For buttock / outer thigh / lift $14,800 – $18,800 $13,400 – $17,400

Common Procedure Combination Cost

True Form Tummy Tuck® $15,800 – $19,800
Liposuction Hips/Flank (1st area) $5,400
Liposuction Outer Thighs (2nd area) $1,500
Fat Grafting Buttocks $4,800
Buttock/Hip/Outer Thigh Lift $13,400 – 17,400


$40,900 – $48,900

Medial Inner Thigh Lift Cost

Standard Fee $15,800 – $18,800 $14,400 – $17,400
For liposuction of thighs and knees Add $8,800 Add $7,400

Spiral Thigh Lift Cost

(Lift of inner thighs, outer thighs, hips, buttocks

Standard Procedure $19,800 – $24,800 $18,400 – $23,400
With liposuction of inner thighs, outer thighs, anterior (front) thighs, hips, flanks $9,800 $8,400

Buttock / Hip / Outer Thigh Lift (Lower Body Lift) Cost

Standard Fee $14,800 – $18,800 $13,400 – $17,400
Liposuction (first area) $6,800  Add $5,400
Liposuction each additional area  Add $1,500 each area
Area options are: Abdomen, Flanks/Hips, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs, Anterior (front) Thighs, Knees, Arms, Neck
For Brazilian Butt Lift (fat grafting to buttocks) $4,800 + Liposuction fee (Price varies depending on the liposuction areas.)

Extended Abdominoplasty in major weight loss patient


$16,800 – $20,800 $14,400 – $16,400
With Liposuction done at same operation (first area) $6,800  Add $5,400
Liposuction each additional area  Add $1,500
Area options are: Flanks/Hips, Back/Bra line, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs, Anterior (front) Thighs, Knees, Arms, Neck
For Brazilian Butt Lift (fat grafting to buttocks) $4,800 + Liposuction fee (Price varies depending on the liposuction areas.)
For buttock / hip / outer thigh lift $14,800 – $18,800  Add $13,400 – $17,400

Upper Body Lift Cost

Bilateral Brachioplasty (Arm lift) with limited axillary short incision & liposuction of arms $8,800 – $10,800 $7,400 – $9,400
Bilateral Brachioplasty (arm lift) with full arm incision & liposuction of arms $12,800 – $14,800 $11,400 – $13,400
 Bilateral Brachioplasty (arm lift) with full arm incision without liposuction arms $9,800 – $12,800 $8,400 – $11,400
 Back Lift skin removal – without Liposuction $15,800 – $18,800 $14,400 – $17,400
Back Lift with Liposuction (1 – 2 areas) $14,800 – $16,800 $13,400 – $15,400




Overnight Stay $1,100 To assist with pain management and comfort
AqueCool Mask for facelift / necklift $500 To reduce swelling and bruising after facelift

Exparel ( pain management injection during surgery

To assist with pain management and comfort in the first 72 hours after surgery

10 cc vial $300
20 cc vial $500
Home Sequential Compression Device (SCD) $300 To reduce risk of blood clots in higher risk patients

Prineo – Topical tape / glue (applied during surgery)

$300 per kit

To reduce incision exposure for 3 – 4 weeks, lessening infection (1 kit required for each procedure done)

Topical Scar Therapy Kit $285 + tax
Bio Cream
 Silicone Ointment
Retinol or Retin-A
Oleeva silicone gel strips: Reusable for 2 months To reduce noticeability of scar (lasts for 2 months)
Breast Augmentation $20 each x 2
Areola $20 each x 2
Breast Lift – Anchor $37.50 each x 2
Brachioplasty (arms) $35 per strip x 2
Tummy Tuck $109 each
Body Lift (Buttock Lift) $100 each
BBL ( pulsed light) – treatment scars Starts at $250 – $800 To reduce redness of scars
Fraxel Treatment ( 1927 nm ) for scars Starts at $500 – $900 To reduce pigmentation of scars
Halo Laser Treatment Starts at $500 – $1,000 To reduce thickness of scars
Galaflex ( synthetic mesh ) – each $1600 – $2800, cost based on size For additional structural support in breast and tummy tuck surgery
Strattice (porcine dermis) – each $2800 – $4800, cost based on size For additional structural support in breast and tummy tuck surgery
Allergan Natrelle Inspira Silicone Implants – (All FDA-approved)
Responsive (cohesive) $600 per implant Softest; mild rippling possible in thinner patients
Soft Touch (more cohesive) $900 per implant Softer; less rippling
Cohesive (most cohesive) – “Gummy Bear” Implant $1200 per implant Soft; least rippling
Allergan Natrelle Saline $400 per implant (Salt water implant) firmer, possible visible rippling in thin patients

My philosophy has always been to provide a comprehensive and fully integrated service for patients undergoing surgical procedures which encompasses the care you receive before, during, and after surgery. This philosophy reassures me that everything is being done to reduce your risk and make the surgical experience more pleasant. My fees reflect the comprehensive nature of the services we provide.

It is difficult to precisely predict for any given combination of surgical procedures requested the total fee in advance of the consultation and my recommendations. My thorough list of procedure fees has been generated by analyzing our experiences with thousands of patients and the common combination of procedures I perform.

This list is comprehensive and inclusive of the various services I provide through my facility for each procedure. It is meant to give those considering a surgical procedure a reasonable predictability of fees before the consultation.

Financing Options

PatientFi application bannerFor the convenience of our patients, we offer several payment options for our surgical and nonsurgical procedures and products. We accept all major credit cards and cashiers’ checks and the PatientFi financing option.

Comprehensive Plastic Surgery Cost

The comprehensive fee includes the following*:

  • Surgeon’s fee
  • Board-certified anesthesiologists’ fee
  • Surgical Facility Usage Fee
  • Supplies and medications during surgery
  • Home health professional visit after surgery
  • VitaMedica surgical vitamin pack
  • 2 garments (if procedure requires)
  • Post-op follow up care for as long as necessary (or required) to ensure satisfactory recovery
  • Standard hemoglobin test and pregnancy tests conducted in my office
  • Post surgery care kit provided before surgery

Generally, any testing or medical care that is done outside my facility is not included in the comprehensive fee listed. The comprehensive fee does not include the following:

  • Any pre-op blood work or off-site testing, specialist consultations or evaluations that might be required to ascertain your health status for safely performing the requested procedures.
  • Any and all blood work or other offsite testing or treatment that might be required after surgery.
  • Any pathology required such as histology or cultures associated with surgery.
  • Facility and anesthesiologist fees performed offsite, i.e., not at The ACPS SurgiCentre

*Exparel, Prineo and other specific case by case special supplies are optional additional fees that are not included in the comprehensive fee for any procedures.

** The overnight stay is optional and not included in the comprehensive fee. It is an additional $1500.

Combining Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures

When multiple procedures are performed, there is a fee reduction for the second, third, etc. procedures that are performed. Since my fees include the anesthesiologist’s fee, facility fee, and other services, a savings can be achieved when combining procedures. The average fee reduction is $1,000 – $2,000 per each additional procedure, depending on the type of procedure that is added.

My Professional Commitment to You

The results of cosmetic surgery are subjective; they are dependent upon perception, which can be influenced by generational attitudes, cultural ideals and trends, geography, the entertainment and fashion industry and, of course, individual perspective. Perfection is elusive from both the technical and artistic standpoints, and, therefore, should not be a goal of cosmetic surgery.

Yet, for most people, common elements of attractiveness can be defined:

  1. Relative naturalness
  2. Proportion and balance
  3. Reasonably good symmetry
  4. Smooth contour lines and transition
  5. Inconspicuous or concealed scars

From time to time, healing is not ideal and the overall outcome of surgery may be affected unfavorably. I am committed professionally and personally to achieving the best possible outcome with every procedure and in every patient.

On occasion, a secondary procedure may be suggested by me or requested by you in an effort to improve the overall result and our mutual satisfaction. Provided that, in my professional judgment, I can achieve improvement (and not potentially worsen the outcome) with a secondary revision, within the first year after your initial procedure, I will perform this secondary revision at no additional cost to you as an outpatient under local anesthesia. Should you prefer general anesthesia, you may be responsible for facility and anesthesiologists’ fees.

Call Today 1(713) 575-1996

We would love to discuss your Plastic and
Cosmetic Surgery Goals.

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Serving Houston, Texas and
worldwide Patients

12727 Kimberley Lane, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77024

1(713) 575-1996
