Corrective Revision Breast Implant Surgery_100807
Corrective Revision Breast Implant Surgery_100807
Back To Corrective/Revision Breast Implant Surgery GalleryDescription:
Procedure: Corrective Revision Breast Implant Surgery
Breast Implants: Silicone
Right Side: 2655 cc, high profile
Left Side: 265 cc, high profile
Age: 50
Weight: 109 pounds
Height: 5’3″
Children: 4
This patient experienced imframammary fold failure (bottoming out of implants) on both sides of her breasts. Dr. Patronella repaired the folds to elevate the implants and create a more natural-looking nipple position. To provide added support to the breast folds and implants, he created an “internal bra” using Galaflex. With this mesh, the body’s collagen grows in and out of the mesh’s weave, leaving behind a natural scaffold of support after the mesh dissolves over a period of one to two years.